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1. Adult Swim commercial for the Mighty Boosh says Sundays at 1:00 AM. According to the internet schedule, it was supposed to be 5:00 AM Sunday night. I could have totally caught it! UGH. (For those who don't know, I am OBSESSED with the British comedy show the Mighty Boosh. I have a $150 painting in my room I had imported from the UK of the duo. I have all 3 Series [i.e. seasons.] I bought a multi-region DVD player in order to be able to watch my DVDs on the tele. I know everything about the Mighty Boosh. Finding out it was coming to American television was pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I thought it wasn't on until 5:00 AM.)
2. My dad is at a show (you know, ones where good bands play) with other managers, VPs, and execs from the brokerage firm I work for. I have a weak spot for little emo boys.
Dad sends me a picture of some dude at a concert that I can't see. I go, "what's that?"
Dad: "An emo boy in Columbus."
Me:"Lol ok..."
Then later I get another text,
Dad: "I gave Zach your number." <------WTF MOMENT
Me: "Who's Zach?!"
Dad: "At the concert. He is an emo boy majoring in business at OSU. I told him about you. He wanted your number."
Me: "Do you know this Zach fellow? What band is playing?"
Dad: "Gaslite Anthem"
Me: "I hope he calls that'd be a great story."
Dad: "He said he would but didn't know what to say I said tell her Joe said to call cuz u r an emo boy." (I have generally corrected bad grammar and spelling thus far, but I feel the "u r" had a certain... feel to it that "you are" does not.) <------WTF MOMENT
Me: "Haha amazing."
Dad: "What?"
Me: "How did you start talking to said emo boy?"
Dad: "He talked to me 1st as an emo would." <------WTF MOMENT
Me: "How did said emo boy start talking to you?"
Dad: "I was minding my own business talking about how the lead singer in the Heartless Bastards was so good."
3. I update my status to report my confusion for WTF incident number two, and my cousin Lindsay tells me how funny it is via facebook IM. Then I get an instant message on AIM....
artsyguurrl12 (11:11:01 PM): Because I am creepy and because i can - i want to use another media through which to tell you that your fb status cracks me up. P.S. who are these guys your dad is picking up for you??
4. My cousin Zander and I both try to go to sleep [early] around 1 AM. At 3 AM we are both on the internet. We have a DOUBLE FAIL. During our conversation, this happens...
Sexy Zander 911 (3:46:29 AM): kalin, we do that sometimes...
kalin rheanne (3:46:35 AM): do not
Sexy Zander 911 (3:46:40 AM): do so
kalin rheanne (3:46:45 AM): nuh uh
Sexy Zander 911 (3:46:56 AM): yes, we really do...
kalin rheanne (3:47:00 AM): when
Sexy Zander 911 (3:47:13 AM): idk but we've obviously done it
kalin rheanne (3:47:21 AM): we have not
Sexy Zander 911 (3:47:26 AM): yes we have
kalin rheanne (3:47:31 AM): WHEN
kalin rheanne (3:47:54 AM): LMFAO
Sexy Zander 911 (3:48:06 AM): MY POINT EXACTLY
5. This guy ( friend requests me!!!
Sometimes I wonder why people don't like Christians, and/or why Christianity is so unpopular these days. And then I come across groups like P4CM, and I find my answer: Christians these days can be really douchey.
P4CM stands for "Passion for the Christ Movement." This is basically a non-denominational Christion church group based in Los Angeles, California that has a large focus on trying to lead people to Christianity. This is not my problem. I am going to focus on a specific "missionary project" that P4CM is working on, because I feel it encompasses the complete douchey-ness of this organization.
P4CM has created a line of t-shirts that are designed to provoke questions. These t-shirts are called the Ex-Series. They say things like, "Ex-Slave," "Ex-Rebel,"Ex-Diva," "Ex-Hypocrite," "Ex-Fornicator," "Ex-Porn Addict," "Ex-Homosexual," and my personal favorite, "Ex-Masturbator." An example of this fashion line:

Feel free to laugh at the irony.So here is my reaction to this fashion line and P4CM in general. (If you don't understand where I'm coming from on some issues, visit their Facebook group: and watch the videos.)
I like to picture Jesus Christ as a pretty easy going guy. I think that His attitude was along the lines of, "Here I am world, I'm going to die for your sins now. If you choose to accept it, feel free to ask for forgiveness and I'll let you into Heaven and it'll be killer." P4CM's take on Jesus' attitude, "DUDE. HELL SUCKS. You are pretty much a terrible person if you sin, and if you don't surrender to me IMMEDIATELY, you will be forced to an eternity in a firey pit. No Heaven for you, sorry bud!"
So, we are supposed to be Christ-like, as stated in the Bible. No, I am not going to give you the passage because I am not a walking Bible. Find it yourself, it's somewhere in there. So first of all, we're not going to go condemning people for their sins. We're not going to interview people, and act like we applaud them for being Christian, then denounce them for their associations (douchey interview.)
And now I come to the t-shirts. The stupid, douchey, horrible t-shirts. P4CM is, like many Christians today, turning Christianity into a fashion statement by doing this. FIRST OF ALL, they are begging for attention by wearing these shirts. Jesus Christ did some pretty baller things, but I'm pretty sure he never walked around in a "Moses is my homeboy" shirt or, of course, an "Ex-Masturbator shirt" (though the latter is debateable.) Jesus Christ did not flaunt, he did not argue, he did not scold, denounce, or make anyone feel like shit intentionally, and he most certainly did not walk around in BOLD (these douche bags always caps the word for some reason) clothing in order to try to bring people to the light. BE LIKE JESUS. BE HUMBLE. PLEASE.
As for some of the "sins" they denounce actually being sins, well that's another topic for another time. Visit the aforementioned facebook page for more insight to the absolute ridiculousness of this organization, or you can visit their (clearly well designed as to draw more people to Christianity) website,
And this is just funny:
Good day,